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Snoozingdogs productions jdamfPUBLISH  & Buy Now Learn more



A Siberian detective's attempt to arrest a vicious gang of cyber criminals is thrown off course when a gruesome murder reveals the gang is an unwitting front for a covert alien invasion led by a ruthless commander.
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Rome’s most decorated Centurion is given a secret mission to fulfil the Emperor's legacy but a renegade General and the enemy's top spy stand in his way.
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A hapless recruit vows to kill two officers after being tricked by a Roman General but finds himself torn between his murderous oath and the bond of brothers in battle.
© jdamfPUBLISH a wholly owned subsidiary of Snoozing Dogs Productions© jdamfpublish@jdamf.co.uk Made with Xara
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A soldier invalided out of the Roman Army is asked to investigate when a body is found inside Trajan’s aqueduct.
Available on Kindle £2 or as a paperback £8.55  Buy Now Learn more
Twenty-something under achiever John inherits a distant relative’s estate, requiring him to move to the remote Scottish Borders. There he, and his university friend Billy, discover and inadvertently re-activate an alien weapon. Meanwhile, a battle-scarred alien commander, Zuri, and her soldiers have been dispatched to Earth to retrieve the weapon. At the same time, beyond the visible universe, a despotic and ruthless empire, embroiled in power struggles, waits for the weapon to be used again. It will open a tear in space-time, through which their merciless conquering armies can pour.




Jonathan Fear

Available books.

Twenty-something under achiever John inherits a distant relative’s estate, requiring him to move to the remote Scottish Borders. There he, and his university friend Billy, discover and inadvertently re-activate an alien weapon. Meanwhile, a battle-scarred alien commander, Zuri, and her soldiers have been dispatched to Earth to retrieve the weapon. At the same time, beyond the visible universe, a despotic and ruthless empire, embroiled in power struggles, waits for the weapon to be used again. It will open a tear in space-time, through which their merciless conquering armies can pour.
Available on Kindle £2 or as a paperback £8.55  Buy Now
© jdamfPUBLISH a wholly owned subsidiary of Snoozing Dogs Productions© jdamfpublish@jdamf.co.uk Made with Xara
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A Siberian detective's attempt to arrest a vicious gang of cyber criminals is thrown off course when a gruesome murder reveals the gang is an unwitting front for a covert alien invasion led by a ruthless commander.
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Rome’s most decorated Centurion is given a secret mission to fulfil the Emperor's legacy but a renegade General and the enemy's top spy stand in his way.
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A hapless recruit vows to kill two officers after being tricked by a Roman General but finds himself torn between his murderous oath and the bond of brothers in battle.
Discover how the Soldier’s Diaries were found Coming Soon   BODY IN THE AQUEDUCT A soldier invalided out of the Roman Army is asked to investigate when a body is found inside Trajan’s aqueduct. New     Release Now an Audio book